Monday, August 26, 2024

“Here Now” by Maximiliano – A Song Feature


     The start of “Here Now” demonstrates that a song's magnetic pull doesn't necessarily come from its complexity. The single from Maximiliano begins with a repeating percussion pattern and a guitar riff that together create a sense of forward motion. That feeling is amplified when the bass joins, simultaneously with the vocals. The lead guitar doesn’t make its entrance until more than 30 seconds into the song, and even then, it primarily serves to add higher-pitched ornamentation to the song's steady pace. The musicianship hints at its strength at 1:14, but "Here Now" quickly returns to its straightforward yet highly appealing instrumental foundation. It’s only during the final 30 seconds that the instruments truly show their power.
     Despite the instrumental appeal, it’s Maximiliano’s vocals that drive "Here Now," conveying a sense of conviction and commitment to the song’s lyrical message. In discussing the track, Maximiliano describes it as "a song about regret—not saying what you should have said, not reaching out to help when you still had the chance." His vocal style bears a resemblance to Adam Granduciel of War on Drugs. While the two songs share little beyond the word "Here" in their titles, "Here Now" evokes the vocal charisma found in "I Don't Live Here Anymore" by War on Drugs.
     Maximiliano is Gerardo Maximiliano (“Max”) Martinez. “Here Now” is the title track of his recently released four-song EP. More detail about a live performance is available at the event page of Saxon Pub, a music venue in Austin, Texas:
 Maximiliano & The Texas Mamas is probably one of the better bands in the Austin area today. The local super group is made up of Maximiliano the concentrated, Austin Sisler the Daddy, Ben Dubois Master of Guitar, and Sammy G Steward of Gondor.”
     “Here Now” by Maximiliano

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