Thursday, May 23, 2024

“Hole” by Bad Flamingo – A Song Feature


     "Hole" stands out as perhaps the darkest release from Bad Flamingo, yet paradoxically, the song is both exhilarating and intoxicating. The explosive entry of the harmonica around the two-minute mark triggers the plunge into the depths of the darkness, although the conclusion is nearly as overcast.
     The vocals and instrumentation are consistent with the now-established unapparelled sound from Bad Flamingo. They generate a creative combination of Rock, Folktronica and Spaghetti Western, with a touch of Psychedelia. Individually, the voices project a determined confidence that is enhanced by the instrumental arrangement. Together, they have a mesmerizing vocal chemistry, a balance of numerous shared characteristics with notable differences that offer an engaging contrast.
     Little is known about Bad Flamingo. Their names are not available on the band’s website or social media platforms. Instead, they are referenced as the “one on the left” and “the one on the right.” Bad Flamingo only appear in masks, with the explanation “Give a man a mask, and he will tell you the truth” (quoting Oscar Wilde).
     “Hole” by Bad Flamingo


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