Monday, April 6, 2020

“All Odds” by Wild Signals – A Song Feature

     Skillful mixing is important to every song recording that includes more than one contribution, but the level of difficulty varies with song characteristics. A less experienced person might be sufficiently skillful for songs in which the contributors perform much like a synchronized swim team, with each instrument hitting the same note in time with syllables of the lyrics. Toward the opposite end of the difficulty spectrum is “All Odds” by Wild Signals, a song in which the vocals and instruments are all forceful, confident and semi-independent.

     The talent of Wild Signals is apparent during an isolated listen to “All Odds.” But the multi-layered song is best appreciated by placing the song on repeat and adjusting your focus each time. The percussion is almost end-to-end energy. At any time, one guitar may adopt a Shoegaze role while another executes a quick-twitch attack. The bass does not show a willingness to accept its “traditional” role of assisting the percussion in setting and maintaining rhythm.

     Wild Signals is a four-member band in Los Angeles. Individually, they are Nicole Ridgely (guitar, vocals), Noël Brydebell (guitar, vocals), Ben Keysaer (bass), and Josh Renkow (drums). Their sound is described as “a blend of Shoegaze and Post Punk influences with driving rhythms and Dream Pop melodies, creating a perpetual wave of texture and sound.”

          “All Odds” by Wild Signals (for streaming and download options: CLICK HERE)

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