Bottom Line Concert Review – London Grammar’s Hanna Reid silenced any skepticism as to whether she can generate the same vocal strength and purity in a live setting that she achieves in a recording studio. Regarding the opening band, Highasakite, the Indie-savvy folks at NPR were right; this is a band that puts on a very strong live performance.
At 9:45pm, Rothman and Major walked onto the stage of The Independent. The two strolled to their instruments and began the performance, Rothman with some shoegaze guitar and Major with some ambient keyboard. Hannah Reid soon joined them by taking a position in front of the microphone. She sang a series of “Hey” with a purity that showed she was “on” for the evening and that the sound system was up to the task. It wasn’t until about three minutes into the song that it turned into a more recognizable version of “Hey Now.” It was very effective. The audience was hooked.
The performance remained “tight” throughout the setlist. Prior to the one-song encore, the crowd favorite was “Strong.” Embedded below is a video of the song from last night’s show (uploaded by another attendee). Hannah Reid starts by identifying her three “audience members of preference.” Earlier she explained that she was postponing work on an impacted wisdom tooth in order to continue the tour. From the banter with the crowd, it’s clear she’s handling the dental issue well.
When London Grammar returned for the encore performance of “Metal & Dust,” the energy level jumped noticeably. The song started downbeat, but as it progressed, the band members appeared to be enjoying themselves even more than earlier. The audience moved almost in unison (although some of us dance less attractively than others). As well as London Grammar is doing, it was clear that once they add one or two more higher energy songs to their repertoire, the ceiling will be raised even higher.
“Wasting My Young Years”
Highasakite More than Held Its Own – NPR Was Right, Again
In terms of instrumentation, we particularly enjoyed the flugabone, which had the sound of multiple horns playing simultaneously. Regarding the song structure, the regular use of swells was our favorite feature. And regarding vocalization, while the solos of Håvik could easily have carried the performance, the strength of the occasional harmonization by three and sometimes four members is what separated Highasakite from most other bands.
“Since Last Wednesday” by Highasakite
“Darth Vadar” by Highasakite
London Grammar
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