Friday, February 21, 2014

Public Service Broadcasting with Kiev – A Concert Review

     Bottom line concert review: We recommend that you see these bands, if you have an opportunity.
     We almost made the mistake of being overly concerned about being disappointed. The concern was that Public Service Broadcasting (PSB) could not accomplish in a live setting what they are able to accomplish in their music videos. When PSB was first introduced to Indie Obsessive, it was noted that they play their music to archived video footage, such as World War II footage. Can that be interesting at a concert? Can the synchronization between the footage and the music be accomplished? The answers are yes and yes.
     The members of PSB are Wrigglesworth (percussion) and J. Willgoose, Esq. (guitar, banjo, computer and other electronic equipment/instruments). They played the “nerd” roles effectively. Wrigglesworth walked onto the stage in a dress shirt and tie. Behind him was Willgoose, dressed in a sport coat, plaid shirt and bow tie. Both wear black rimmed glasses and neither spoke during the performance. Instead of speaking, the computer was used to thank the audience, to ask how the attendees were doing, and to make periodic references to being thankful for being in [insert city name here].
     Truthfully, during the first few songs, the thought was that this style of entertainment relied upon the audience “getting it,” and there was some disappointment in the San Francisco crowd. A healthy percentage of people came to see Kiev, including the family of the lead singer’s fiancée. But the people in the Bay Area know their music and are receptive to talent that doesn’t fit the norm. The audience became increasingly louder and more appreciative.
     Going in, our favorite song was “London Can Take It.” But by the end of the evening, the song “Everest” was easily the favorite.

     The opening band was Kiev from Orange County in Southern California.  The five members are Andy Stavas (piano, keyboards, saxophone), Brandon Corn (drums), Derek Poulsen (bass), Alex Wright (piano, keyboards), and Robert Brinkerhoff (guitars, vocals). Some of the music has a Radiohead feel, but other songs depart from that feel. 
     The performance by Kiev was enjoyable for a number of reasons, including Brinkerhoff’s ability to connect with the crowd (and his soon-to-be in-laws). But we admit to being particularly drawn to the songs that included the saxophone.
     Our personal favorites are “Failing Bough” and “3rnd.”


Sorry Wrigglesworth, we didn't capture you at your best 
J. Willgoose Esq.

1 comment:

  1. I love Public Service Broadcasting, thank you for introducing them to me. If you know a similar artist please let me know. Public Service Broadcasting. PSB, like Pet Shop Boys? Coincidence? - a nice one. British synth pop at its best. I saw them support the rolling stones at hyde park - PSB were better.
