Wednesday, April 27, 2016

“Midnight Rush” by Secret Company – A Song Review

     Every element of “Midnight Rush” contributes to a mood of a resolute person during a late night journey to an ultimate destination. The percussion begins thunderously, but the staccato percussion during portions of the song has the feel of the periodicity of car tires passing over the evenly spaced divisions between concrete slabs of a high speed freeway. The song has a number of changes of pace, keeping it “fresh” throughout the four minutes. In contrast to the percussion, the use of prolonged “trailing” by a less urgent lead guitar conveys a controlled determination by the person. And the gargoyles are empowered “while the city sleeps.”
     We’re not saying that our interpretation is consistent with the intent of Secret Company when the band wrote and performed “Midnight Rush.” Music is about the effect on a listener. “Midnight Rush” has an effect.   

     Secret Company is a UK band that claims Chelmsford as a hometown. The members are Scott Revell (vocals, guitar), James Patman (guitar), Kushal Gupta (bass) and Tim Reyland (drums).

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